Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary - established 1977

Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary

Student Acknowledgement of CBCS Accreditation

This section allows you to review and confirm your understanding and agreement to the Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary Acknowledgement of Accreditation.  

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Please review the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ACCREDITATION information below.


I hereby acknowledge, with the signature below, my understanding, responsibility and acceptance of the following accreditation information of Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary. I also understand that the religious degrees granted through this ministry are for personal growth and advancement in Christian ministry and not for secular education or employment purposes.

It is important that the following accreditation information of Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary be understood by anyone who is considering becoming a student, prior to admission into our school.

1. Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt religious organization and is authorized by law to grant religious degrees in the State of Florida. CBCS is a religious institution, operating in the State of Florida, offering only educational programs that prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in the categories of ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work. The CBCS instructional program is only designed for and aimed at persons who hold or seek to learn the particular religious faith or beliefs of the church or religious institution, and provides only educational programs for religious vocations or purposes.

2. On September 1, 2008, Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary became a fully accredited and affiliated university of the Oxford Educational Network, through Wolsey Hall, which is not affiliated with Oxford University in Oxford, England.

3. Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary holds accreditation with the Accrediting Commission International (A.C.I.), which has a membership of schools, colleges, universities, and theological seminaries in the United States and in countries around the world.

4. Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary is not a “Title IV” school, nor does it hold a “Regional Accreditation,” such as the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (M.S.A.C.S.) or the Transnational Association of Colleges and Schools (T.R.A.C.S.). Because Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary is not a “Title IV” school, it does not receive any State or Federal funds in the form of grants, loans, etc., nor is it eligible to accept scholarship funds through programs such as the G.I. Bill.

5. Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary does not guarantee the transfer of course credits or degrees to other institutions or organizations, since our accreditation may not be viewed as being on the same level as theirs. Since many denominational religious organizations do not accept course credits or degrees from outside their particular systems, graduates from Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary may be required to repeat courses already taken.

6. Concerning Religious Counseling, State licensing boards are not required to recognize Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary or its Christian Counseling program as a perquisite of licensure because it is not accredited by an accrediting body that is recognized by the United States Dept. of Education.

7. Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary (by law) can only grant religious degrees. These degrees are for the purpose of personal growth and advancement in Christian Ministry and not for advancement in secular employment or education.

I certify that I fully understand the above explanation of the accreditation status of Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary.